
2011年5月27日 星期五


Format of FYP report: Final Year Project Report should follow the following format,
  • Cover page
  • Student declaration form
  • Table of Contents 
  • List of figures 
  • List of tables 
  • Abstract of less than 1 page
  • Main Text
  • References
  • Glossary
  • Appendix
Font Size, Line Spacing and Margins:
  • Times New Roman, 
  • 12 points for text, 
  • bold 14 pt for paragraph titles/heading,
  • bold 16 points for chapter name
  • 1.5 Line spacing
  • 1.5 inches Top/Bottom margins 
  • 1 inxh Left/Right margins
Number of Pages and Page Number:
  • The report should be more than 30 pages(including appendices), other information should be included as appendices. 
  • Page numbers should be inserted at the bottom center, with page 1 being the first page of the main text of the report. 
  • Page numbering prior to the main text should follow a lower case roman numeral(i,ii,iii...) starting from the contents.

