梁振英上場三小時,林忌即被封戶口,理由係「香港熄燈」張相太暴力、煽動仇恨......請問這張相如何違反了 Facebook 的法規?梁振英當選不足幾個鐘,我在佢當選後貼了呢張相,在 Facebook 說:「最後的燈熄滅了,The Death of Hong Kong 1841-2012),有人就動員網上戶口,玩集體投訴我呢張相係「One or more photos that you uploaded violate Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. It is a violation of our policies to upload photos that:
Target people based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or disease
Contain credible threats to harm others, support for violent organizations, or graphic content」,因此違反 Facebook 規定而封我戶口。
這情形在我寫 blog 上 Facebook 近五六年以,從來都未發生過,一次都沒有發生,這種行為是甚麼意思?就有如中共派人攻擊港大投票,用呢個方法想令我上唔到 Facebook,從此收聲嗎?
如果連 Facebook 都可以咁玩,你諗下將來佢上任之後可以發生咩事?