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2012年3月22日 星期四
論文一:內容提要:隨著我國反腐打擊力度的增大,在司法實踐中受賄手段開始隱蔽起來的。傳統的由犯罪行為人利用職權直接索取財務、明顯錢權交易的受賄方式已經開始轉化,犯罪行為人往往以貌似合法掩蓋非法,通過其配偶、子女甚至情人之手實現犯罪目的。為打擊此類受賄犯罪,我國提出“特定關係人受賄罪”。特定關係人受賄罪的提出擴大了受賄罪主體範圍,反映出我國反腐工作中出現的新情況,突破了在非共同犯罪的情況下受賄罪的主體只能是國家工作人員的傳統判斷,為非國家工作人員受賄罪的查處提供了有利的法律依據。本文主要分為五個部分:第一部分為特定關係人受賄罪的主體;第二部分為特定關係人受賄的認定;第三部分為特定關係人構成受賄共犯與單獨構罪的問題。第四部分為本罪與其他罪名的界限;第五部分為本罪的立法及司法完善。關鍵詞:腐敗特定關係人共同犯罪賄賂推定abstract:High suppression of anti-bribery led the criminal being more cautious when committing the crime. So the way the criminal reach their goal has changed, from the old version of directly receiving money or money-power exchange into the indirect way seemingly legal with the cover of their relatives. China release a new term “particular relevant party bribery” to define this kind of crime and modify its criminal law. The new term would expansion the subject of bribery beyond public functionary to accommodate the present circumstance, and establish the legal basis to rule the indirect bribery. This article includes 5 sections—— the subject of “particular relevant party bribery”, the definition “particular relevant party bribery”, accomplice situation, compared to other crime, and advice. keyword: bribery, particular relative party, accomplice, bribery presumption
論文二:內容提要:就業是大學生走向社會步入實踐的標誌,更是行使憲法賦予我們勞動權的體現。保障大學生公平就業,有利於人才的順利流動,合理調配人才資源,避免不必要的人才浪費。同時,大學生就業也是社會發展的重要指標之一,直接關係到大學生的前途和發展。消除大學生就業過程中的不必要阻力,有利於提升大學生對於社會的認同感。對於大多數的畢業生來說,就業是當前一個十分迫切的問題,隨著社會競爭的不斷加深,現階段大學生在就業的過程中總是存在這樣或那樣的問題,這些問題一方面在增加著大學生就業的難度,另一方面也在侵蝕著社會的公平。而現行的法律無法對此予以有效的保障,大學生的一些權利因此遭受侵犯。本文將從法律的視角對這些問題進行分析,並提出完善意見,保障大學生順利就業。關鍵詞:就業強勢地位誠信法律保障公平abstract:For young man, getting a job is not only a signal of stepping into adults' society, but also executing his inherent right to work which is protected by constitution. Making sure every undergraduate being fairly treated during their job searching could enhance the talent exchange, and foster a favorable climate for talented people to work effectively. At the moment, the employment statue of undergraduate is also an indicator of a nation's level of development and deeply related to undergraduates' future career. Eliminating stumbling block on the way the undergraduate's job wanting would strengthen their sense of identity as a member of society. Most of undergraduates have to face the low employment rate may erode the social justice within fierce competition, while the present law cannot fully protect their right of job hunting. This article would analyze these questions above from a legal point of view, and release some advice. keyword:job-hunting, advantaged position, credit, legal guarantee, justice.
論文三:內容提要:我國2007年頒布實施的《物權法》中,用第六章一章內容規定了業主的建築物區分所有權的相關內容。但是我國的《物權法》在相關的法律和製度上的規定還有明顯不足,在實際生活中相關法律的執行還不到位。本文以建築物區分所有權中與業主的切身利益最密切相連的專有權和共有權為切入點,對建築物區分所有權進行淺析。首先介紹我國相關法律關於建築物區分所有權中專有權和共有權的規定,然後分別討論專有所有權和共有所有權存在的問題並進行分析,最後根據這些問題提出改進完善的措施。關鍵詞:建築物區分所有權專有權共有權abstract:In Chinese property law (2007), though it includes a whole chapter about the condominium ownership of building, the 2007 property law does not cover all the aspects of legal practice, and its enforcement remains weak. This article focuses on the comparison between owners' exclusive right and joint ownership, which is the decisive character of owners' interest. First the article would introduce the legal document about the exclusive right and joint ownership in condominium ownership of building , analyses the legal question, and give advice based on the analysis above. Keyword: the condominium ownership of building, exclusive right, joint ownership 各種杯具啊…
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